Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Question Time 7: Nick Griffin’s pay

The Britain Forward Lie: “Exactly how much is Nick Griffin being paid and in what forms (wages, expenses, etc), and how many members of his family are in receipt of party funds.”

The Truth: Nick Griffin’s salary is a matter of public record as per the party’s statements to the Electoral Commission.

Britain Forward is trying to make out that this is some sort of closely guarded secret, when it is nothing of the sort. In fact, Nick Griffin’s salary has even been reported in the national press, here. (Incidentally, Nick Griffin’s salary is way below what his qualifications (MA from Cambridge) would command in the private sector.)

The Britain Forward Lie: “… how many members of his family are in receipt of party funds.”

The Truth: Nick Griffin’s mother, Jean, works full time for the party manning the main inquiry telephone line, answering mail and sending out information packs in response to these inquiries. In April 2007, Jean sent out thousands of information packs, and took uncounted hundreds, if not several thousand, telephone calls.

For this full time job, Jean is paid a paltry £200 per month.

Contrary to the rumour mongers such as Britain Forward, there are no other members of Nick Griffin’s family on any party payroll.

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