Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Question Time 11. “Who is ultimately responsible?”

The Britain Forward Lie: “Some members have said that our failure to advance at this year’s elections is not the fault of our chairman but that middle management is to blame. If that is so, why is Nick Griffin not doing anything to put the right people into those posts?”

The Truth: In reality, although the party “only” gained a handful of seats, the total vote for the BNP rose dramatically. It is now estimated that the BNP polled 14% of the total vote – dramatically up from the 4.9% polled in the European elections of 2004.

John Cruddas, the most senior Labour Party BNP-hater, put it this way:

“The BNP's failure to gain seats in last week's elections masks worrying levels of support,” says deputy leadership candidate for the Labour Party, Jon Cruddas MP.

Speaking at a rally in support of better rights for immigrants and asylum seekers in Trafalgar Square today, Jon Cruddas will say that the BNP achieved very significant levels of support in some parts of the country, polling in excess of 27% of the votes cast in the wards they contested in Stoke-on-Trent and close to a quarter of the votes in Rotherham, Burnley, Sandwell and Thurrock. An extra 2,500 votes in North Wales would have seen the BNP gain a seat in the Welsh Assembly.

"The BNP stood more candidates in last week's elections than they had members just a few years ago and despite the fact they actively campaigned in only a handful of wards, they have polled consistently around 15% of the vote.

"We have to accept that something palpable is happening here."There must be no complacency. While the BNP failed to win seats this year they are on course to win seats on the Greater London Assembly and several MEPs. If they achieve this then they have broken into the mainstream," he warned.

Hardly a “failure to advance” as Britain Forward so blatantly lies. . . but then, by now, we have come to expect nothing less than lies from Britain Forward.

Britain Forward: roll up, loser, what’s next? If all this was your best shot, then Nick Griffin has nothing to worry about.

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