Tuesday, 12 June 2007

“A line in the sand”

In his first blog post, Britain Forward wrote: “One of the most damaging elements in what may appear to be a one-sided power struggle is the way the party has become a gossip mill, with on one hand Nick’s way of dealing with dissent with an almost Stalinist ruthlessness and on the other hand irresponsible members damaging us by spreading unfounded gossip.”

Unfounded gossip, indeed. In fact, Britain Forwad is one of the spreaders of the “unfounded gossip” about which he writes.

Slander, innuendo, direct misquotes, vague unsubstantiated allegations and outright lies are indiscriminately used by Britain First.

For example, in his first blog post, Britain First lied as follows:
“Stormfront threads on the Reform Group were quickly removed because of Nick’s close links to Don Black its owner.”

The Truth: There are no links between Nick Griffin and Don Black. In fact, posting on Stormfront is specifically proscripted by the BNP for its members. Obviously Britain First has engaged in some particularly outrageous (even by Stormfront standards) slander, and had his posts removed for fear or legal action.
From this he has concluded that Nick Griffin has some sort of magic power extending across the Atlantic Ocean to monitor and control the hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of inane posts on an Internet Board which has been officially proscribed by the BNP.

Only in Britain Forward’s delusional mind could such a thing even be imagined.

Britain Forward continued: “We encompass the widest possible views save only that we support the defence of our people and Britain’s white Christian traditions. We want what is best for the BNP. Who can deny the 14 words of David Lane, sadly no longer with us.”

The Truth: Note the immediate link to the most extreme version of American politics imaginable. This in itself should give every thinking BNP member cause for alarm, which is further compounded by the staggering lie which follows: the assertion that Britain First supports the defence of “Britain’s white Christian traditions” followed immediately by praise for David Lane.
As anyone who has stopped for a second to read anything about David Lane will attest, he was a radical Odinist, an anti-Christian pagan. . . yet Britain Forward claims both ‘Christian traditions’ and David Lane to be his mentors. . .

This is of course impossible – the two are mutually exclusive – and this overt ‘oversight’ is possibly the surest indicator one could hope to find that “Britain First” is merely an agent provocateur who has no real interest in seeking out facts, but merely to try and cause trouble within the BNP.

Reading this blog, Britain Backwards, will confirm this assumption beyond question.

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