Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Question Time 3: Great White Records

The Britain Forward Lie: “The party pumped money into Great White Records…”

The Truth: The BNP has not pumped any money into Great White Records (GWR). There has only ever been one donation, from an outside individual of £4000 into GWR. This is worth stressing: this donation came from an individual donor outside the BNP, and not from the BNP itself, which has never put a penny into the operation.

This will be shown in the GWR submission of accounts to the Inland Revenue in October 2007.

So who is financing GWR? Answer: The people running it. GWR consists of a few good men, who out of their own pocket have made huge sacrifices to keep GWR going with the belief that GWR can achieve something great. The current release 'West Wind' is the clearest example of this, modern, slick and professional. The labels producer-engineer himself actually collapsed his own business and gave GWR full usage of his equipment, worth around £50,000 for the cost of £0.00!

The Britain Forward Lie: “…but now Companies House shows that the company has never filed accounts, which is against the law. It is now proposed to strike the company off, which means its money will be lost.”

The Truth: The reality is that, as a new company set up in December 2005, accounts are not necessary until October 2007 -- as is stated on Companies House Web site which contains the records for GWR.

Poor confused – or is it lying – Britain Forward is confusing ‘accounts’ with ‘Returns’ (for his information, they are two different things.)

In fact, GWR has made their annual return363 recently (which consists of updating Companies House on who are the current directors, etc, addresses changes necessary, etc.) although at time of writing, this submission had not yet been reflected on the GWR records on the Companies House Web site, and shows up as overdue. Companies House have assured GWR that this will be corrected forthwith.

There are, of course, are no proposals to 'strike off' GWR -- as can be seen on the companies house Web site, where GWR’s status is very clearly marked as ACTIVE.

Go here to the Companies House Web site, type in “Great White Records” and follow the links (two clicks), where the public records are available: right here.

The Britain Forward Lie: “Many members complain they have ordered goods and not received them. Why has Nick Griffin allowed this to happen?”

The Truth: Britain Forward is referring to the West Wind CD. As everyone who ordered that CD knows, the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) initially refused GWR a license to distribute the 'West Wind' album. So although the album was completed at the printers, the MCPS, in an attempt to scupper GWR, attempted to refuse them a license.

The document which the MCPS delayed in giving to GWR states that no other artists’ work was used in the CD. The printer requires this release form before they are legally allowed to hand over the completed CDs.

Although the cause of the delay with the MCPS is suspicious, it was eventually granted and the albums delivered.

Every person who pre-ordered the CD was sent a letter explaining the delay, which had nothing to do with GWR itself.

The Britain Forward Lie:We hear from Great White Records that their latest release is songs all written by Nick Griffin. We would have thought that running a party of this size would be a full-time job. How much time is he spending writing songs instead? Is this why he is ignoring the problems?

The Truth: As all who have read anything about the West Wind album (highly recommended, get your copy here), the lyrics for the album are in fact poems that Nick Griffin has written over the last 20 years, mostly late at night. (Listen to a sample of “West Wind” here.)

Britain Forward will find pitifully few people to actually believe that 11 poems (note, not the music), written over a 20-year time period, constitute any sort of crippling work load.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that music and songs enter peoples’ subconscious far more effectively than writing or speeches, and that it is in any event a valuable investment of time and effort into using this tactic. The enemies of nationalism have done this highly effectively (John Lennon’s Imagine has done far more damage than Das Kapital to the Western psyche) and there is no reason why we should not do the same with our message.

It is just sour grapes on Britain Forward’s part that none of his heroes have been able to produce anything nearly so effective.

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